Thursday, May 23, 2013

Catch Ya Later

So today has been  a sad day for me and will continue to be one for a couple more hours. Not only is it my last day at work but Indiana and I also sold our beloved Wrangler today. I didn't realize I had such an attachment to that car until I let it go.

Now, I have to wrap up my work and say good bye to all the lovely colleagues and friends I have made here. We have become so close in such a short time. These are the people you see every morning and at the end of every day. It is going to be very hard. But in the end of the day, I am not saying goodbye but catch you later instead. That's the great part of today's day in age; with all the social media we have, everyone can stay in touch.

On the flip side just a bit of info for those who are leaving and don't know the process. When you quit your job they usually will not give you your last months salary or end of service benefits until you are out from under their residency. Also, once you cancel your residency which should take three to four days, you automatically switch to a one month visa. So you don't have to fret over getting out of here too fast. Please note: I am American and this applies to me, I am not certain if it applies to all nationalities.

If you are selling your car, it was super easy for us to sell it right back to the dealer. It was at a bit of a lose but you never get your money back with a car anyways. It literally took us less than 24 hours to do it. We went to the dealer, agreed on a price, left it there overnight for them to check it, met at the traffic department this morning, paid our traffic fines, transferred the name and then got the cash in our hands right then and there. So easy. You pay KD 10 to transfer the registration. So we totally skipped the whole hassle of finding someone and advertising the car and all that stuff.

So far that is one headache of our list of things to do before our big move!!!

Catch ya laters!!! xoxo

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