Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The things we do for the love of water...

So as everyone knows, Indiana and I are preparing to make our move to Bahrain. Our goal was to leave to South Africa next Tuesday so Indiana can do his medical and we can take a short vacation and see family. Well that trip has been pushed back a bit because of our boat and jet ski. They are coming with us to Bahrain. So here is some advice that I believe I have always known but only now experienced it. Thus now, I only learned the lesson. 

When shipping a boat or jet ski out of Kuwait there is a fairly easy process to be followed. Yes easy. However, if anyone has lived in Kuwait long enough they will know that even the easiest of procedures here can turn into a long process. First get in contact with a shipping agency and give them all the required info and paperwork. Then you will have to go to the ministry and deregister your asset before the shipping company can prepare the paperwork needed in order to clear the asset for shipping. The shipping agency is really easy to work with. It is the ministry that is a bit more tricky. Basically, the ministry just has to sign a bunch of papers. They don't even need to see the asset. However, what can take a day usually does not here due to people not showing up to work. So we initially were supposed to get the boat shipped tomorrow. Now, that has been pushed back a week because the guy that is supposed to sign off our papers is not here this week and we will only be able to get our papers next Tuesday. So basically all of our plans have been pushed back a whole week for a piece of paper that just needs a signature on it.

So a word of advice, do not put a set date on tickets or any of that until your asset has been deregistered and the shipping process has started. This will help you avoid headaches and wasting money. 

The shipping agency we are using is wonderful. They are affordable and very easy to deal with. They help you through the entire process. I would recommend them. Their name is Transcontinental Shipping Services or TCS. 

Over and out my friends! Xoxo

Currently how I feel....

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