Sunday, April 28, 2013

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World

The title of my post seems like such an easy concept right? If so, then why is there so much evil and hate in the world. Everyone I talk to wishes for world peace yet it is the farthest thing away from our reach. What does the quote mean. I mean down to the core what does it mean?

I will tell you my interpretation. It means to lead my example. Don't be afraid to be that person standing above the crowd. While everyone else is being sheep and mindlessly following other be the person to walk with your head held high. Everyone says they want to end world hunger yet hardly anyone will stop for a moment and actually buy a poor person a meal. Everyone wants to stop world violence but when someone pisses you off, revenge is on your mind. It is the little things one person does that eventually catches on. Be that change. It seems to be too hard. Let us take a very small example; the stray dog problem here in Kuwait.

I live in an area where there is a lot of stray dogs. Not once have they attached me or my two dogs. They do however bark to warn you off. Why is this? Because it is their home! People don't understand that concept. They thinks the dogs are evil and must be put down, hence the poison the ministry cruelly leave out. Instead no one realizes that will all the apartments going up left right and center, their home is getting smaller and smaller. We all fight for what we have. If someone comes into your home uninvited you would be on the defense too wouldn't you? How about instead of killing them, show them some kindness? See if some of them are people friendly and give them a home. Call Ks Path and have them come and collect them. Why do they need to die and be beaten when they are only defending what is rightfully theirs? Those areas are their home and they are only trying to protect what is theirs.

Let's go now to a larger scale. The United States of America; my home country. What does it stand for? Freedom right? What is the American dream? The American dream is to live somewhere where you are judged, questioned or harassed based on your way of life. It was the place people once migrated to in order to be able to be themselves. Now look what it has become! Look at just Facebook and Twitter. You see all these hateful rants about politics and religion. Obama is the devil. Abortion is an abomination. Muslims are terrorists. Strict gun laws. No gay marriage. The list goes on and on. I am not stating my religious or political favor here. That is besides the point. I am speaking as an American who believes in what American stands for.

If someone wants to be gay and get married how in any way shape or form does that affect me? Some people say it is an insult to straight marriages and ruins the sanctity of marriage. That just sounds childish to me. That there sounds like a keeping up with the Jone's situation. My marriage is my marriage. The sanctity of my marriage is based on how my husband and a treat it and nourish it. Our marriage has nothing to do with anyone else. I am not offended if Gay people can get married. How does that have anything to do with me? But apparently it ruins other people's marriages. You know what I say to that? Grow up! Stop comparing yourself to others and get your noses out of other peoples business. It is these people that are filled with so much hate that is demolishing America. It is supposed to be the land of the FREE!!! Not the land of chains and shackles. We moved on from that didn't we? Apparently not.

If a woman wants to get an abortion for any reason, also how is that any of my damn business? How is that any one's damn business? People make their own choices for a reason and as an American and a human being a respect that. Am I pro choice or pro life? What the hell does it matter. I choose to be who I am and it is not my place to impose my beliefs on anyone else. It is how I choose to live my life. Again get your noses out of other people's business. If it against your religion, then you follow it. Don't make other people conform to you. That is what America is supposed to stand for. Everyone has a right to choose their path.

Strict gun laws? Now that is just silly. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Taking guns away from responsible law abiding citizens just puts them in harms way. If you think that for a second stricter gun laws will make America safer then you are an idiot. You think a criminal is going to go oh guns are illegal so I wont get one. They are criminals!! HELLO!!! So instead of making the proper policy's and procedures for people to legally obtain a weapon we put innocent peoples lives in danger because you can be bothered to do a little extra work. We have a word for that in my household, LAZY. Isn't that what we have a constitution? No instead once again, people feel their opinion is what truly matters. The same people who are up in congress fighting for no guns have body guards. Yeah.....OK. That's not hypocritical at all. Look what all of this is doing to America? Ruining it. Land of the free no more.

I will not write a lot on this next point because I feel only one sentence needs to be said. Arabs and Muslims are not all terrorists!!! End of story. Moving on.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. So easy to say right? Not so easy to execute is it? How about you try this. Next time you are about to rant and rave on Facebook, Twitter or whatever your desired social media outlet is, you count to ten and think; "Is this really necessary?" All you do is piss people off. I guess that is why some people do it though. How about everyone just try to live their life based on their morals and values and let other people do the same?

Just saying...

Checking out for now... xoxo


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