Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Through Wind, Mist, Rain and then DUST

The weather here always surprises me. You think I would be used to it by now but yeah NO! The mist has been so wonderful the past week or so. I loved the eeriness it made. You could picture yourself at the beginning of every scary movie! Ok some people might not like that but with my imagination, I love it! Not to mention how nice it made breathing. My hubby and I have been on and off again sick for the past two months and the mist was like a huge humidifier for us. BUT....alas, all good things come to an end. Now our little country we reside in is covered in dust. Icky, thick dust. I opened our window for like two seconds and had  to go get a rag to wipe off the surfaces in our living room. I knew I had a head ache for a reason. I cant seem to shake it off and neither can Indiana. Yes, Indiana is the name my hubby chose as his alias for my blog. He found it very amusing that I picked Jones as our last name so naturally Indiana tickled his fancy. Anyways, moving on. This dust has got him in such a funk that he is headed home early today.
So, being a good wife, who hasn't started working yet, I have dust proofed our house. All windows are closed as are the curtains. A few candles are lit for a nice welcoming smell. The humidifier is on and the house is dark. Dark because the dust gives both of us horrible migraines. So, I suspect when he gets home some migraine pills and a nap are in order.
I have to get rid of these headaches this lovely dust has caused because we are going out tonight. We will be checking out the Yacht Show at Marina. The hubby loves his boats. I love the water. So naturally anything to do with the water, I love also. After the show we are going to have some dinner with friends, one of whom might be moving across the great pond soon. Can't hide that I am  a bit envious. I dream of when Indiana and I can make that move and settle down in a house that is ours.
A girl can dream. For now, I need to sort out my stupid credit card mess I got myself into so I can start working. FYI, when ordering a card from abroad or your home country, make sure it is sent to you as soon as possible. What is the consequence you might ask? Well, if they happen to charge you a membership fee that you did not know about and you do not pay it for a while, the bank puts a restriction on your account under fraudulent. Yeah, have fun fixing that abroad!! So I am busy sorting out that issue and would like to resolve it before I start working at my new company. Wish me luck!!!
Until we meet again my friends. Adios! xox    

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