Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Out and About

Well, the Yacht Show was pretty cool last night. We got to see the newest boats from smaller speed boats to fishing boats to extreme sports boats and then finally proper yachts! Man do I love boats. It is always fun to go to those events and play the, "If I were a millionaire game." Luckily, my hubby and I have the same general taste in boats so if we ever hit it big at least I know we are on the same page.
After the event we went to Stone Grill to eat. I know, I know, it has been open forever but last night was our first time there. Of course we opted to grill our own food. They bring you a lava stone on a plate with veggies and your steak sauce and then it is followed by another plate of raw meat. They then put bibs on you which I was not very pleased with. But I guess it is better than getting really hot food splattered all over your shirt. The prices were a bit high for my liking but its a good place to go on your spoil myself or date night. All in all, pretty cool experience. One little critique though (it wouldn't be me without something to say), the meat sticks to the stone very quickly and can be a bit tricky so I would suggest a bit of cooking spray or something of the sort.
Moving on to today. What a day it has been. I woke up rather early for someone is isn't working. I guess I just got too antsy. I don't like not being busy with something. So today is the day I went and bought us a new desk for our spare room, AKA wreck room. I got a really nice L shaped desk from Office Depot. I must say the customer service there is unlike any other store I have ever been to here in Kuwait. It was like being in a store in the states were employees are actually trained!!! Excuse my sarcasm but seriously there are some rules when you work in the retail business. A. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SELLING!!! It really isn't that difficult of a concept. B. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! That one really get ones my nerves here.
Moving along, the desk was reasonably priced at KD 69. However, the little drawer set that can comes with it is not so reasonably priced. KD 39 for three drawers!!! There is something wrong with their pricing there.
They asked if I wanted it delivered and assembled so I said hell yeah!! Until they told me it takes two days to deliver and seeing as the weekend is quickly approaching, I would only receive it on Sunday. That did not float my boat. So I told them to load it into the back of my Wrangler. After the initial shock from them that a woman could ever possibly transport her own purchase, the began to load it into my car. The best part of this whole shebang was the one guy looks up and says madam, "who will assemble this again". "Your lookin at her," was my very proud answer. They had a field day with that one!!! It is like they can not even fathom the idea of a woman being able to assemble a desk. You don't need a degree! The worst part of the whole ordeal was that midway through one of the guys asked were I am from. I knew what was coming. So I answered that I was American and wait for it...The man looked at me with surprise and said, "Oh! you look more French to me." I absolutely HATE that! I am American and feel that I look the part very much. However, everywhere I go in the world, no one ever guesses that I am American, even in America!!! I got Polish a couple times and Dutch. Those I don't mind. Just it really irritates me when people say French!
Anyways, I am happy to say that the desk is assembled and placed in our wreck room. This room is finally coming together. It took us long enough but oh well. All good things come to those who wait.
To wrap up my rather long entry today:
Boat Show: Worth a visit, the last day is tomorrow.
Stone Grill: Really good food just make sure you have the mulla in your pocket.
Office Depot: Let's just say that will be the only place from here on out I get my office supplies. PLEASE NOTE: I am not talking about the one in the Avenues mall. I am talking about the one connected to Al Shaya's head office.
Enough said! Choi xox    

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