Sunday, February 3, 2013

I found my PINK CUP!

So we all know that socks will always disappear into the washing machine and you are doomed to mismatch your socks at some point. I have also found that dishes also disappear into the great abyss. I no longer have a full set of glasses. Now I understand glasses break but what has really baffled my mind lately is who I have lost a plastic pink cup. I couple months ago a bought a set of colored plastic cups to avoid the breaking glasses. However, my pink cup decided to run away. It has really annoyed me because I know it didn't break! I am very OCD by the by and this has been driving me nuts!
So, tonight my sister invited me over to have dinner with my her kids and my mom. All of the sudden I notice my sister was drinking out of a PINK plastic cup! So being so OCD , I took the cup and feel complete that my set is whole again!
You know some people don't know how bad OCD can actually be. It can take over your life. I believe I have gotten mine under control. But my downfalls are odd numbers, crooked picture frames and things out of place. I cant eat skittles without dividing them into their color groups first, I need to eat the skin off of grapes before I eat the grape and my spring cleaning is more frequent then most peoples. But OCD has its pros. For one I am a very organized person and my house is usually spotless. I have a great memory so I hardly forget events. I do carry a calendar and have one on my wall at home so there is no room for forgetting. MY husband is very supportive of it. He makes fun of me from time to time but doesn't try to "fix" me. He doesn't make me feel broken which I believe have helped me grow and loss some of my crazy hehe. I am so lucky to have a supportive family. I wouldn't be able to function without them. I am one lucky girl.
Checking out for the night. xox

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